格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空


wat a good sleep....

Adopted from"my online diary - yun siang"

Yesterday, I have a good sleep. The proof is, a house which is same row and near with my house was burnt, but I din't know at all because I slept until almost 12pm. If it happened at my house I'm sure I had become 'hong kong duck' already.
No wonder after I awake I saw a bomba vehicle pass by my house but never thought there was fire near my house. I'm only know this happen at the next day when I pass by the house and suddenly saw the house was like get burnt before. And realize what really happened when reading others people blog at night today.
But what I'm feeling weird is why the newspapers don't have this news at all?? I'm reading 2 newspapers today MAN!!

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