格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空



吃了一条choki choki,企图让自己的大脑释放一些胺多酚,让心情好一些。但,它的巧克力成分似乎不够,并没有多大的帮助。望着电脑荧幕,我又开始进行我的嗜好--发呆。



personality on 15th octorber 1986

I'm too bored till checking my own personality on my birthday...

你 的 个 性
   顽 固 , 但 自 己 并 不 认 为 如 此   
沉 着 , 做 事 洗 , 意 至 坚 定 , 慎 重 , 温 和   
很 少 动 , 很 少 说 话 , 大 都 静 静 做 着 听 人 讲 或 观 察 别 人   
脑 子 计 算 速 度 很 快 , 但 下 一 步 的 行 动 很 慢
Do you agree?


Easy life

Today, I went to cinema watch two movies in a row. The first movie is G.I Joe. It is not really an action movie but high technology weapons in this movie. I was amazed by their suite. And I found an interesting line, "They are not Joe, they are jokes!!" The second movie is the latest movie which is Final Destination 4. In my own view, the most interesting death is the main character's girl friend blended by the bared machine of escalator.

After that, I went to book store for reading. I read a book about a writer writes his own son's story. The writer is really open minded and patient in educate his son. No matter how worst of the behaviour of his son in school, he still respect and believe in his son. What a great father.... And in his son's eyes, he is a great father and always listen to him. Inside the book I found a funny conversation:


Haha... At first I thought the girl is fat until stuck at somewhere else.