格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空


My name

Actually many people are very curious about my name. Why my middle name is SIOK instead of SOOK since both of my sisters are SOOK??

I asked my parents before. They said they had foresighted I would be the most special child among my siblings. So, they give me SIOK as a symbol of special.

The fact above is ---> a joke!!!
hahaha... what a lame joke!!

My parents did not told anything about my name. I don't know why and they seems reluctant to tell me about these.

According to my aunts, this is to make sure my name sounds more essence of "zhao an". So when everyone saw my name, they will know I am "Zhao an hokkien".

My name is Siok Kian,......SIOK kian!!!

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