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Result released today at 12am. My friend suddenly send a message asked my results, so I quickly checked it. I got 88865. The difference really large and quite disappointed... The problem is, I always cannot be consistent in my results.

I feel really disgrace to tell my mother about my result because I promise her to get 80 for my average. But now my results did not improved but slightly dropping.lol.

Actually I deserved to get the 5 and the 6...

I got 5 for my programming because I just attend first 2 LECTURE for this sem and skipped the rest. Besides, the sllyabus also changed, so no pass year papers, senior's guide and the lecturer also sucks.

The 6 is my chemistry because the test was held at the last day of my exam and I already felt tired so did not really study it. er... thats what we call " lazy! not study!"

My maths... I aspect to get 9 but due to the careless mistakes, I only manage to get 8. I know the careless mistakes are powerful to affect my result. But, I always get annoying easily when doing the quiz. So I end up doing many mistakes although I know how to solve it.

The only suprised me is.... ES!! still manage to score 8 since I predict it 7. Actually I thought it will sucks because the lecturer is sucks, the marks of lab reports are sucks, the assignments are sucks and the mid term also sucks. So lucky I am.

The last 8 will be my EFDP, nothing to say about it. Is as my predicted.

From the analysis of the results above, I had think some solutions to improve it:
1. I should be more careful.
2. I should study earlier before the lecture and study constantly to avoid any stress during exam. (because I will give up everything each time I got stress, the best example will be the chem)
3.Try my best to 'catch' the pro to teach me frequently.
4.I should make a rough time table for study and follow it.

Hope that everyone is satisfied with their result. Wish you all the best!!

Now I want to talk about ah peng. Well, It is not really related to the result.
Yesterday night 12 am after I checked the result, I tried to waked ah peng to see her result. I saw she opened her eyes and feel like quite annoying then "ng! oh!" and continue to sleep. I thought she doesn't want to know about it so I helped her to check. ( she gives me her ID and password)

After I checked, I waked her again to tell her about the results. She opened her eyes and " oh! oh!" again.

Then reach about 9.45am this morning, I told her what happened last night. She acts like I done nothing last night. omg, I even shaked her!!! She lost her memory!! She refuse to admit I told her the result last night. I really saw she opened her eyes last night!! and she do " ng! ng! oh! oh!" answering me like that. -_-!! NVM... I saved it. So she can view herself.lol.

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