格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空


home sweet home

A miracle had happened at this holiday...

My stubborn mother decided to buy a house at senadin!!

Few years ago, no matter what we said, she never nodded her head to buy a house...

Few years later, in one afternoon, my mother and I went to eat ang tao peng. We saw there were banners of diamond and gold houses. So, I told her the house is just about rm128,000. My mother flabbergasted and showed a strong interest on these houses.

Then, we start to discussed and debate among the families. Finally the decision is 'yes'. We went to reserved the corner"gold" house and intermediate "diamond" house. After that, we visit the show house for hours. Besides, we also asked for guides from relatives. Again, we discussed and debate and the final decision is 'yes'.

The torturous procedures have begin...
1. withdraw money from bank to pay booking deposit.
2. go to miri housing to pay the booking deposit.
3. photstate the documents.
4 visit the bank again for loan
5. go to miri housing again to sign the agreement

if the loan approved:
6. collect the documents from bank.
7. go to miri housing again to finish up the rest of the procedures.
8. After some time, back to miri housing again to pay the rest of the own portion for the house. ( we can only loan for 90%)

See? so torturous....
Especially me, because I'm very free now and plus... my mother is illiterate. So..., I'm the only and the best person to help my mother to do these.

Hope everything goes on smoothly and succesful to buy a NEW HOUSE!!

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