格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空 SIOK KIAN 格子的天空



Holiday ends soon...
Tonight probably is my last night to go to bed that late.
Lol... sigh...
I have not tidy up the materials I used last sem.

As the saying goes...
Every end comes with another start.
This theory exist eternally and equally to every human.
May my uncle lie in piece in heaven...

Start from tomorrow...
I will officially be a second year student.
I got to tidy up myself to prepare another long term battle.
What a difficult start... sigh...


My name

Actually many people are very curious about my name. Why my middle name is SIOK instead of SOOK since both of my sisters are SOOK??

I asked my parents before. They said they had foresighted I would be the most special child among my siblings. So, they give me SIOK as a symbol of special.

The fact above is ---> a joke!!!
hahaha... what a lame joke!!

My parents did not told anything about my name. I don't know why and they seems reluctant to tell me about these.

According to my aunts, this is to make sure my name sounds more essence of "zhao an". So when everyone saw my name, they will know I am "Zhao an hokkien".

My name is Siok Kian,......SIOK kian!!!



Recently feel very bored. sigh... nothing to do these days.

I'm waiting Ah peng to quit from her job so we can go for jungle trekking.

One more week from now.... school days will start again.
And again... feel sick with the timetable. >_ < !!!
I plan to join some clubs at this sem. A typical club for engineering student would be CUTEC. And Ah peng will join it with me although she is commerce student. And again... I will join marketing club as well although I am an engineering student.

I feel quite stress now... thinking that I have to take 5 subjects for this sem and got to join club activities.

Anyway, I will still look forward for an interesting life in uni.


home sweet home

A miracle had happened at this holiday...

My stubborn mother decided to buy a house at senadin!!

Few years ago, no matter what we said, she never nodded her head to buy a house...

Few years later, in one afternoon, my mother and I went to eat ang tao peng. We saw there were banners of diamond and gold houses. So, I told her the house is just about rm128,000. My mother flabbergasted and showed a strong interest on these houses.

Then, we start to discussed and debate among the families. Finally the decision is 'yes'. We went to reserved the corner"gold" house and intermediate "diamond" house. After that, we visit the show house for hours. Besides, we also asked for guides from relatives. Again, we discussed and debate and the final decision is 'yes'.

The torturous procedures have begin...
1. withdraw money from bank to pay booking deposit.
2. go to miri housing to pay the booking deposit.
3. photstate the documents.
4 visit the bank again for loan
5. go to miri housing again to sign the agreement

if the loan approved:
6. collect the documents from bank.
7. go to miri housing again to finish up the rest of the procedures.
8. After some time, back to miri housing again to pay the rest of the own portion for the house. ( we can only loan for 90%)

See? so torturous....
Especially me, because I'm very free now and plus... my mother is illiterate. So..., I'm the only and the best person to help my mother to do these.

Hope everything goes on smoothly and succesful to buy a NEW HOUSE!!



Result released today at 12am. My friend suddenly send a message asked my results, so I quickly checked it. I got 88865. The difference really large and quite disappointed... The problem is, I always cannot be consistent in my results.

I feel really disgrace to tell my mother about my result because I promise her to get 80 for my average. But now my results did not improved but slightly dropping.lol.

Actually I deserved to get the 5 and the 6...

I got 5 for my programming because I just attend first 2 LECTURE for this sem and skipped the rest. Besides, the sllyabus also changed, so no pass year papers, senior's guide and the lecturer also sucks.

The 6 is my chemistry because the test was held at the last day of my exam and I already felt tired so did not really study it. er... thats what we call " lazy! not study!"

My maths... I aspect to get 9 but due to the careless mistakes, I only manage to get 8. I know the careless mistakes are powerful to affect my result. But, I always get annoying easily when doing the quiz. So I end up doing many mistakes although I know how to solve it.

The only suprised me is.... ES!! still manage to score 8 since I predict it 7. Actually I thought it will sucks because the lecturer is sucks, the marks of lab reports are sucks, the assignments are sucks and the mid term also sucks. So lucky I am.

The last 8 will be my EFDP, nothing to say about it. Is as my predicted.

From the analysis of the results above, I had think some solutions to improve it:
1. I should be more careful.
2. I should study earlier before the lecture and study constantly to avoid any stress during exam. (because I will give up everything each time I got stress, the best example will be the chem)
3.Try my best to 'catch' the pro to teach me frequently.
4.I should make a rough time table for study and follow it.

Hope that everyone is satisfied with their result. Wish you all the best!!

Now I want to talk about ah peng. Well, It is not really related to the result.
Yesterday night 12 am after I checked the result, I tried to waked ah peng to see her result. I saw she opened her eyes and feel like quite annoying then "ng! oh!" and continue to sleep. I thought she doesn't want to know about it so I helped her to check. ( she gives me her ID and password)

After I checked, I waked her again to tell her about the results. She opened her eyes and " oh! oh!" again.

Then reach about 9.45am this morning, I told her what happened last night. She acts like I done nothing last night. omg, I even shaked her!!! She lost her memory!! She refuse to admit I told her the result last night. I really saw she opened her eyes last night!! and she do " ng! ng! oh! oh!" answering me like that. -_-!! NVM... I saved it. So she can view herself.lol.


wat a good sleep....

Adopted from"my online diary - yun siang"

Yesterday, I have a good sleep. The proof is, a house which is same row and near with my house was burnt, but I din't know at all because I slept until almost 12pm. If it happened at my house I'm sure I had become 'hong kong duck' already.
No wonder after I awake I saw a bomba vehicle pass by my house but never thought there was fire near my house. I'm only know this happen at the next day when I pass by the house and suddenly saw the house was like get burnt before. And realize what really happened when reading others people blog at night today.
But what I'm feeling weird is why the newspapers don't have this news at all?? I'm reading 2 newspapers today MAN!!







我不甘心 ,


Few days ago, I went to bank with my sis. Then I saw a dog in the poster. This dog really special no wonder it can be a model for the poster.

look at its eyes. "shuang yan pi" . lol.
My sis said it is female. Must be got makeup. lol.




